The herpes virus is able to hide itself inside the body. This infection is only found in humans. The infection is transferred from one person to another through direct contact, by touching the saliva, mucous membranes, or skin of the infected person. Most persons have been infected by at least 1 herpes subtype before their adulthood because this virus is very contagious.
There are mainly two types of herpes simplex virus - type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1virus is responsible for cause’s oral infections while HSV-2 is responsible for the cause’s genital infections. These viruses are transmitted by direct the contact with body fluids or lesions of an infected individual. Transmission may also occur when the symptoms are not present. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. It may also pass from mother to an infant during childbirth. The causes of recurrence may include, decreased in stress, immune function, and sunlight exposure.
If you leave your body to heal itself during a herpes outbreak without taking any cure, this virus may continue to frustrate your work for around two weeks or more. And if you depend on medicines with fully loaded chemicals and harmful drugs, you may suffer with lots of side effects. Now the question arises in your mind is about the solution. Then here in this article we are going to tell you about the herbal remedies to kill the herpes virus without any side effect. Here we discuss the numerous benefits of herbs and herbal medicines and also about the effectiveness of these herbs on herpes. Nature has gifted us a lot of amazing herbs that are capable to heal the human body without any side effects. This means you do not have to worry about the side effects or any discovery and miracle.
Herbal remedies kill herpes:

Peppermint oil is one of the natural herbs which are easily available in your kitchen. You just have to walk a few steps towards your kitchen to get it in your hands. It is definitely not as difficult as fixing an appointment with your doctor and traveling so many kilometers to get a treatment, it’s too temporary. It is proven that, the peppermint oil has stopped a number of viruses from reproducing, including herpes. You can directly apply it on the infected area after diluting it with other natural oils like olive oil. It will surely treat your herpes effectively. Click here to know more about peppermint oil for herpes.

You can easily get it natural and fresh from your garden. You can either grow aloe Vera in your garden or get ready made aloe Vera gel from the market. Apply this gel on the infected area of your skin and you can also drink the aloe Vera juice after diluting it with water to get relief from the symptoms. Aloe Vera is the best natural herb to treat herpes.

Dandelion herb’s root contains a chemical which helps a lot in curing genital herpes infection. The milky substance of dandelion is applied externally to reduce the virus prone cell generation. This latex type substance is taken from the roots, and stems or leaves of the dandelion herb. You have to apply this remedy for around 2 weeks to get better results.

Tea tree oil is the only herbal cure for herpes that stops the growth of cold sores at stage one itself. You do not need any expensive creams to treat cold sores and herpes infection if you know the benefits of tea tree oil for you. It is a very powerful antiseptic herb, and is used to treat many health problems effectively. Using tea tree oil for herpes can reduce the first stage of a cold sore within two or three days. It is important to act as soon as you noticed the first signal of the cold sore. If you can successfully figure out that it is going to be a cold sore, more than half of the treatment is done. This herbal remedy is one of the best remedy out of the group to cure herpes.

Basil Leaves is one of the best natural anti-viral herbs for herpes. Due to its adaptogen, anti-microbial, antioxidant, immuno-modulating, and analgesic properties, basil leaves are a magical and most effective herbal cure for herpes. Basil leaves are very beneficial in fighting against allergies. You need only some fresh leaves of basil plant for this remedy. Boil these leaves in a cup of water for 5 minutes and then drink it once it cools down. You can also add it to your evening tea as well. Does this remedy daily at least once even when you are not experiencing any herpes outbreaks. During herpes breakdown you can drink this twice or even thrice for getting benefits.
For More Information To Cure Herpes, you can also explore Natural Cure For Herpes.