Let’s discuss a little bit about herpes. Herpes is a highly contagious disease that can be transmitted through unprotected sexual activities or if you accidentally touch the infected part of the body. There are basically two kinds of viruses that are responsible for herpes infection and those viruses are namely herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2. Herpes simplex virus 1 affects your mouth and its vicinity such as tongue, inner and outer part of your lips, nose, eyes, chin and on the other hand herpes simplex virus 2 affects your genitals and its vicinity such as your penis, vulva, thighs, anus etc. As you know there isn’t a known cure available for herpes virus, therefore the need of alternative options are being felt for years and somehow the humanity has managed to discover some of the alternative treatment options that can be used to treat its symptoms. Just have a look this site and you will get some of the lesser known remedies for herpes.